
PH16 Minecraft Server Instructions

  1. Join the PH16 Discord server HERE

  2. In the #role-assign channel, give yourself the @minecraft role by reacting to the corresponding message

  3. A new channel is available now, the #minecraft channel

  4. Connect to the Minecraft Server (ph16.englard.net). Once connected, you will be prompted to authenticate with Discord.

  5. Once you’re authenticated, you can join and play!

  6. Stay in the #minecraft channel for admin updates and questions!

Server Info:

Version: git-Paper-645 (MC: 1.18.2 latest)

Mode: EASY

Concurrent player cap: 20

Server-side Mods:

- One Player Sleep Data Pack - because coordinating 20 people to sleep is a nightmare (no pun intended)

- Player Home Teleport - allows for saving and teleporting to “homes”

  • Commands:

    • /home teleports the current user to their home, if set.

    • /home set sets the current users home.

    • /home remove removes the current players home.

    • /home list list all players who have a home set.

    • /home <PlayerName> teleports the current user to PlayerName's home, if set.